Syllabus for Introduction to Sociology

Modesto Junior College

Professor Sawicki

MSocio 101

Class meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 9:35-11:00 am

August 29.2016-December 17, 2016

Semester hours: 3

Founder’s Hall 154

Office hours: before or after class or by appointment anytime

Web pages:


Required Text :

Pearson Learning Solution: Sociology, by Macionis, Books a la Carte Edition & REVEL -- Access Card -- for Sociology Package, 15/E  ISBN: 9780133965469

Course Overview: It is a basic review course to introduce students to the study of sociology.  We will introduce the methods of social science, theories, and broad areas of study.  Students will be required to understand basic concepts in the field.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the

student should be prepared to:


1. Identify and compare the major sociological

theoretical perspectives.


2. Discuss and analyze contemporary societal

issues by utilizing sociological methodology and

the sociological perspective.


3.Identify and analyze the impact of social

concepts, forces, and structural arrangements on

people's lives by utilizing the sociological




Instruction Methods : The class will have both lecture and discussion of the assigned readings.  Some portion of each class will be devoted to clearing up questions on the text, lectures emphasizing salient points, arguments, and if time permits, viewing short videos or films to stimulate discussion.


Requirements:  YOU MUST READ THE ASSIGNED TEXTS BEFORE EACH CLASS!  The reading assignments provide the specialized vocabulary and background needed for class discussions.  Exams will be a combination of definitions, essay questions, and fill in the blanks.

  If you don't like to read and write, please don't take this class!!!!


Grades:  You are the one who determines your final grade.  It is based on the work YOU do, and the level of thinking that you apply to the issues.  The points are earned cumulatively as follows:

REVEL Assignments, 100 points (your final percentage will be converted to a raw score)

4 Exams, 100 points each

Total possible: 500 points


F= <300

D= 300-349






F= <60

D= 60-69







You cannot pass this class without attending regularly and on time.  Students may miss up to two classes for extenuating circumstances (police, hospital, morgue).  Exams will be based on a combination of reading and in-class discussions.  You cannot pass this class without regular attendance.  After the third absence, begin procedures to withdraw you from class as per MJC policy.  If you do not plan on staying in this class, please remove yourself from the roll so others may be permitted to register! 

Policies on cell phones, tablets, and computers:  NO texting or IM-ing in class.  It is distracting to students around you, and disconcerting and rude to me.  If you don't want to be in this class, please drop it!  If you are in class, please give me and the rest of the class your attention.  I reserve the right to ask you to close your computer if I believe you are using it for other than class work.

I understand that many of you have children or work obligations that require you to be available by phone.  I have no problem with this in moderation, but do let your friends know you are busy at this time! Please change your phones to vibrate in class---no dopey song clips, please!

Policies on photos and recordings of any kind:

NO photos of me or my classroom, no videos or audio recordings are allowed without my express written permission.  My lectures are my intellectual property, and I reserve the right to take legal action, civil and criminal,  against any violation of this policy. 


Plagiarism: Plagiarism means presenting someone else's work or words as your own.  Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that will result in your failing the assignment and even the class, possible expulsion from college, and rejection by other educational institutions.  The College's policies and procedures for offenses will be followed, including filing official papers of academic dishonesty on your records.  If you have any question about whether your work violates plagiarism standards, please ask in advance of submission.


Students with disabilities:  Please contact me and I will make arrangments to support and accommodate you. 


Syllabus is subject to change.  Rev. 08/22/2015

 Revised 08/07/2016